Hello World,
My name is Jim Bollansée, and this is my personal portfolio. I am (among other things) an interaction designer. From 2005 to 2009, I was schooled as a "communication- and multimedia-designer" in what has now become the C-Mine Campus in Genk, Belgium. Quite a lot of projects on display here (basically everything up until, and including, my master's thesis) are from that period.
Shortly afterwards, I've started working as an academic researcher in the (back then, at least) new Play and Game research group at that same C-Mine Campus. In the beginning, I worked within the GameHub project on the development of a game called "Wired Puppetry". Nearing the end of the two-year development cycle on this project, I also started teaching in the new gaming-related master courses in Genk. I became a teacher at the same place where, not so long ago, I had been a student.
In the summer of 2013, I submitted (and got it approved, too) a doctorate proposal to the Leuven University College of Arts. With my research, I aim to "discover and formulate the basic parameters needed for a meaningful game, and how these parameters change under the influence of a new interface". The interface in question is a "BCI", a brain-computer-interface. And with that, I became a student once again.
More of my "online stuff" can be found on GitHub, Flickr, Vimeo and even LastFM.
You can download my curriculum vitae, and I can be reached at